for Madrid Nuevo Norte
Madrid City Hall and Madrid Regional Government attend MIPIM for the first time in 10 years, presenting Madrid Nuevo Norte as the most important upcoming project to place the city and region on the world stage.
Madrid Nuevo Norte will also attend the next two days of the event, with an official presentation of the project and an explanation of its sustainability and urban design strategy.
Madrid Nuevo Norte was presented today at MPIM 2022 as the most important urban development project to transform the city and region of Madrid, boosting their growth and promoting attraction of investment and talent. It was joined by both its administrations – Madrid City Hall and Madrid Regional Government – which, for the first time in over 10 years, attended Europe’s largest real estate event. They took part in this international fair with a joint stand, aiming to showcase Madrid’s potential to the world and to place it amongst Europe’s most dynamic, innovative and sustainable regions.
Álvaro Aresti, the head of Distrito Castellana Norte (DCN), joined Begoña Villacís, the deputy mayor of Madrid, and Paloma Martín, the regional minister for Environment, Housing and Agriculture, at the official opening of the stand, centred around Madrid Nuevo Norte and with a large scale model showing attendees the details and importance of this project.
In his speech, Aresti expressed his gratitude for Madrid Nuevo Norte being chosen as “the finest example of how Madrid will transform to face its future”, adding that this future “takes in promoting innovation and the knowledge economy, a firm commitment to environmental sustainability and placing citizens at the heart of every decision.”
Aresti referred to Madrid Nuevo Norte as “Madrid’s greatest opportunity to join the frontrunners in the race to attract investment and talent to European cities and regions.”
Aresti also underlined the joint presence of the administrations and private enterprise at Europe’s largest real estate event as “a sign that Madrid believes in public-private collaboration when tackling the challenges that it faces”, with “public administrations that promote and lead, providing legal security and drawing on private investment to undertake the most important transformational projects”, such as Madrid Nuevo Norte: “a project on a unique scale in Europe”.
Prominent role of Madrid Nuevo Norte at the fair
Following the institutional opening of the stand today, tomorrow will see the official presentation of Madrid Nuevo Norte at MIPIM. The function will be led by Miguel Hernández, head of Strategy at DCN, Mariano Fuentes, the Urban Development delegate of Madrid City Hall, and José Luis Moreno, head of the Office for Madrid Nuevo Norte in the Region of Madrid, who will show the data and figures that make Madrid Nuevo Norte Europe’s most significant urban development and the region and city’s greatest opportunity to attract investment and talent.
Finally, Thursday will draw to a close with the presentation “The Urban Design of Madrid Nuevo Norte” by the head of Sustainability, Innovation and Design at DCN, Mariola Merino. She will explain Madrid Nuevo Norte’s sustainability and urban design strategy and the different initiatives and actions currently under development, which will make the project a leading example internationally.