
CreaMNN certifies its Criminal Compliance and Whistleblower Channel Management Systems

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  • These certifications are part of the company’s constant improvement of its internal control and compliance procedures and its effort to operate with the highest ethical standards.
  • Both certifications have been issued by Bureau Veritas, a leading independent global certification, inspection and testing body.


Madrid, 28 May 2024. Crea Madrid Nuevo Norte, the main private driver of the Madrid Nuevo Norte major urban regeneration project, continues to reinforce its commitment to transparency and business ethics by obtaining certifications that endorse its internal control and compliance processes.

Specifically, the company has obtained the certification accredited under the UNE 19601:2017 standard relating to Criminal Compliance Management Systems, which shows the high degree of alignment of CreaMNN’s internal organisation and procedures with the requirements established by the standard. The aim is to go beyond compliance with legislation and foster a culture of ethics and corporate compliance, as well as to prevent the commission of offences, by implementing a Criminal Compliance Management System that allows the company to mitigate any risk of this nature.

Therefore, this certification — issued by Bureau Veritas, an independent global leader in certification, inspection and testing, accredited by the Spanish National Accreditation Body (ENAC) — endorses CreaMNN’s capacity to prevent and manage criminal risks and guarantees the existence of internal control mechanisms to act as a safeguard against potential breaches.

The company has also obtained certification from Bureau Veritas for the Whistleblower Channel Management System, based on the ISO 37002:2021 standard, demonstrating CreaMNN’s commitment to promoting an environment that allows for the reporting of possible irregularities by establishing procedures for the receipt and management of complaints regarding behaviour contrary to its Code of Conduct and applicable regulations.

According to Álvaro Aresti, chair of CreaMNN, “we are proud to have both certifications and are convinced that, due to the significance of the urban transformation project we are driving, all our actions must always be governed by good governance, business ethics and a culture of integrity in all our decisions”.

José Luis Vaquero, Director of the Compliance, Risk and Internal Control Area of the company, points out that “these certifications are the best reflection of our company’s continuous effort to operate with the highest ethical standards and of our commitment to building a corporate culture based on integrity and transparency”.

“Obtaining the UNE 19601:2017 and ISO 37002:2021 certifications not only demonstrates CreaMNN’s firm commitment to transparency and business ethics but it also reflects its dedication to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and internal control”, said Javier Castells, Central Region Manager of Bureau Veritas during the award ceremony.

28 May 2024


Madrid Nuevo Norte

for Madrid Nuevo Norte