20 December 2018
for Madrid Nuevo Norte
You can now visit Madrid Nuevo Norte’s interactive space, an exhibition open to anyone who wishes to find out first-hand about the most significant urban renewal project in Madrid. A project that will change the image of the capital and help it position itself as one of Europe’s most important capitals.
The exhibition space at 120 Castellana Avenue has been envisaged as an interactive experience in which visitors can gain detailed insight into how this project will transform the city.
The exhibition consists of five exhibition rooms (Respira, Mira, Siente, Descubre and Habla). The public will discover in each room how this sizeable urban regeneration project will improve the life of Madrid’s citizens, transforming Madrid into one of the most prosperous and sustainable cities.
Respira (Breathe) is the reception area, where visitors are welcomed and informed about Madrid Nuevo Norte and why this project is unlike any other in our geographical area. It is a new way of approaching urbanism, promoting a sustainable city model designed for people.
Mira (Look) is the main exhibition area. The spectacular, interactive, 20-m2 city scale model of the project can be found here. This 1:1000 city model accurately recreates the project and the neighbouring districts. The visitors gain insight into the real dimension of Madrid Nuevo Norte and how it will transform the north of the capital, bridging the gap void created by the rail tracks to build a modern city with first-rate housing and office spaces on currently disused land.
Siente (Feel) is the name of the room where visitors will immerse themselves in the project and see how the city will change. The architectural recreation of what the city will look like when completed is displayed as large projected images. The visit is rounded off with a VR experience with 360º images that make the visitor feel as if they were strolling along the new streets and public spaces that will be created.
The Descubre (Discover) room seeks to show all the things that the project will change that are hidden from the public view. Madrid Nuevo Norte will not only transform the visible face of the city but will also build or update major transport infrastructures, such as a new Metro line. Likewise, the Canal de Isabel II will replace 13 kilometres of water mains and install a new 55,000-m3 tank. In short, these key actions will improve the quality of life of many citizens throughout the region.
The exhibition closes with the Habla (Speak) room. A space in which visitors can express their opinion about the project, sharing what they liked most about Madrid Nuevo Norte after seeing the project. Furthermore, anyone who wishes may leave their comments about what they want for the Madrid of the future. These comments will be placed in a time capsule that will be buried along with the project´s first cornerstone. Visitors can also participate in a sweepstake for three trips to London, Berlin and Paris to gain insight into their urban transformation projects. The exhibition space is open from 9 am to 9 pm from Monday to Saturday.