Target description
The indicators that assess the impact of these actions by Madrid Nuevo Norte were prepared based on the 169 targets associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets taken on by the Madrid City Council and localised for the city.
16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels.
M 16.3 Increase transparency and promote accountability by providing complete, useful, accessible and understandable information to citizens.
M 16.4 100% of procurement data will be made available to citizens in reusable and accessible formats so that public activity and operation can be assessed using artificial intelligence models.
M 16.5 Address all complaints and suggestions submitted by citizens.
M 16.6 Full municipal transparency and response to all requests for access to municipal information within 20 days.
M 16.7 Increase the high-value dataset in the open data portal.
M 16.8 By 2030, the Madrid City Council will have an approved digital strategy and effectively put it into practice.
Operational indicator
With the creation of the Social Engagement area in Crea Madrid Nuevo Norte in 2016, the company, the main private developer of the project, became the first Spanish company to have a specific department for social participation in an urban development project.
Through this area and a series of citizen information offices opened in the neighbourhoods affected by Madrid Nuevo Norte, multiple inclusive activities for all segments of the population were carried out to increase awareness and citizen participation.

Also, during the public information period of the Specific Modification of the 1997 City Plan (SMCP) in the planning areas APR 08.03 "EXTENSION OF THE CASTELLANA" and APE 05.27 "COLONIA CAMPAMENTO" for the definition of the determinations and planning parameters of the urban development operation "MADRID NUEVO NORTE" (SMCP), a total of 3,451 allegations were submitted by 1,544 interested parties.
Each allegation was analysed and classified based on its content and nature, with a total of 60 response sheets sent.
Lastly, of the 3,451 allegations, four were completely included in the SMCP; 2,975 were partially included (in other words, their inclusion in the content of the SMCP was partially admitted in terms of some of the issues raised, with the rest excluded); and 492 were rejected, mainly because they dealt with the cessation of activity.
Other related impact indicators
Indicators prepared based on sources such as the United Nations, the Spanish Statistical Office, the European Commission and the Madrid City Council.
External assessment of municipal transparency: 92.5%
Specific methodology
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